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Do you know someone who deserves recognition for promoting peace and civility in our community?
Please consider nominating them for the 2025 Evan Ferber Peacemaker Leadership Award.
Please consider nominating them for the 2025 Evan Ferber Peacemaker Leadership Award.
We welcome and encourage members of the community to submit nominations for this award. Established in honor of DRC Founding Executive Director Evan Ferber, it recognizes individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in promoting civility and peaceful conflict resolution.
The deadline for submitting nominations is March 1st. |
Every day, the Dispute Resolution Center's services have a positive, transformative impact on individuals, families, organizations, and our community as a whole.
Please make an investment in the civic health of our community. Your contribution will enable the DRC to continue to transform lives - empowering our neighbors to repair relationships, resolve disagreements, and communicate with respect and civility. |
MediationMediation is a safe, supportive space to have difficult conversations.
FacilitationSpecially trained facilitators consult with groups to run productive meetings.
Youth ServicesEngaging youth to build a peaceful community.
TrainingWe train community members in skills to help manage conflict with greater ease.
Our Impact |
Civic Harmony Starts Here |
In 2024 the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County:
- Served 5,100 people through mediation, conflict coaching, information & referral, housing support, group facilitation, training and community presentations; - Trained 1,970 people in mediation, communication, conflict prevention and conflict resolution skills. 86% of mediation cases in 2024 reached some kind of agreement, 91% of clients reported that their situation was improved by mediation, and 92% said they would recommend mediation to others. Resolution Washington, the network of 21 dispute resolution centers across Washington State, collectively served more than 63,000 people in 2024. |
Thank You to all of the individuals, businesses, foundations and organizations who have made an investment in the mission and work of the DRC - and made our community impact possible - through their financial, volunteer, in-kind and service partnership support.
Affordable solutions for resolutions. |
We empower people to restore and build relationships.
Getting Around
2604 12th Court SW, Suite B
Olympia WA 98502 PO Box 6184 Olympia WA 98507 Hours Monday–Friday 9am–4:30pm ERP Program: Monday–Thursday 9am–5pm Federal Tax ID: 94-3130662 |
Contact US (360) 956-1155
Stay informed about our services and trainings. |
Our Business & CommunityPartners
The generous support of our business and community partners helps make the work of the DRC possible.
Please support these organizations that support peace in our community.
Please support these organizations that support peace in our community.
Our Affiliate Partners
Local, state-wide and national.
Local, state-wide and national.