Give Today!We count on the generous financial support of members of our community to enable us to respond to evolving needs, and to serve individuals and organizations for whom cost is a barrier.
The DRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your gift is tax deductible. Our federal tax identification number is 94-3130662.
How Can I Give?
There are many ways to show your support for local peacemaking. In addition to making a one-time gift on our website or through the mail, you may also consider:
For more information, please contact Joe Sanders, Community Engagement Manager.
- Make a Monthly Commitment of Support - Make a monthly sustaining gift that fits your budget. Your recurring monthly gift can be paid via your credit/debit card, or by automatic monthly payments through your bank.
- Business Partnership – Local and regional businesses, large and small, are key partners and investors in the DRC's mission and the resources we provide to our community. Please contact us to learn more about business partnership opportunities.
- Combined Fund Drive – If you are a Washington State employee, you can give to the DRC through monthly payroll deductions. The DRC’s charity number is 0316167. Learn more at Washington State Combined Fund Drive.
- United Way - If your employer participated in the United Way campaign, you can direct your United Way gift or pledge to the DRC.
For more information, please contact Joe Sanders, Community Engagement Manager.
Your support makes a difference in our community! Your financial support makes it possible for the DRC to:
We count on the generous financial support of members of our community to enable us to respond to evolving needs, and to serve individuals and organizations for whom cost is a barrier.
Help build and restore relationships today.Each year we support thousands of community members by providing simple, effective processes and skills to
communicate through conflict with integrity, respect, and kindness. Your contribution ensures that the vital conflict resolution training and services we offer continues to nurture peaceful conflict resolution right in our own backyards. Ensure local peace-building remains in our community, forever.In 2016 the DRC Board of Directors established the Legacy Fund, an endowment fund ensuring the DRC's long-term sustainability, in honor of founding Executive Director Evan Ferber. When you make a contribution to the Legacy Fund you help ensure that the DRC will continue to respond to the growing and changing needs in our community with adaptable services that build peace locally.
If you wish to make a special gift to the DRC's Legacy Fund, please contact us at (360) 956-1155. |
Affordable solutions for resolutions. |
We empower people to restore and build relationships.
Getting Around
2604 12th Court SW, Suite B
Olympia WA 98502 PO Box 6184 Olympia WA 98507 Hours Monday–Friday 9am–4:30pm ERP Program: Monday–Thursday 9am–5pm Federal Tax ID: 94-3130662 |
Contact US (360) 956-1155
Stay informed about our services and trainings. |
Our Business & CommunityPartners
The generous support of our business and community partners helps make the work of the DRC possible.
Please support these organizations that support peace in our community.
Please support these organizations that support peace in our community.
Our Affiliate Partners
Local, state-wide and national.
Local, state-wide and national.